Strandstoelen liggen leeg op het vakantie-eiland Phuket. het is uit het leven gegrepen.





Strandstoelen liggen leeg op het vakantie-eiland Phuket.


Beach chairs lie empty on the resort island of Phuket in January. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

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Een bijdrage van een fan uit Phuket  Jos Wipmans.

Strandstoelen liggen leeg op het vakantie-eiland Phuket.
De regering zal naar verwachting vandaag groen licht geven om toeristen die zijn ingeënt tegen Covid-19 toe te staan ​​het eiland Phuket te bezoeken zonder de verplichte quarantaineperiode te hoeven ondergaan, te beginnen in juli.

Supattanapong Punmeechaow, vice-premier, zei dat het Center for Economic Situation Administration (CESA) vandaag een heropeningsplan zal overwegen dat is goedgekeurd door de exploitanten van bedrijven op het eiland.

De bijeenkomst zal worden voorgezeten door premier Prayut Chan-o-cha en het plan zou als model kunnen dienen voor het heropeningsproces voor andere provincies die afhankelijk zijn van toerisme.

Lokale ondernemers en gemeenschappen zijn overeengekomen dat de eilandprovincie weer open kan gaan voor buitenlandse toeristen, zei de heer Supattanapong, die ook de minister van Energie is.

‘Sek Loso’ is op borgtocht vrijgelaten
Hoofd van de lokale natuurlijke hulpbronnen betrapt op het verzoeken om b2m-omkoping van een houthandelaar
Hij zei dat deze ondernemers en gemeenschappen er vertrouwen in hebben dat de toeristische infrastructuur van Phuket nog steeds in staat is om “kwaliteitsbezoekers” te huisvesten.

“Phuket is erkend door buitenlandse toeristen”, zei Supattanapong. “Maar lokale bedrijven en mensen hebben geleden onder de tweede golf van de Covid-19-pandemie.

“Ze hebben hun krachten gebundeld en aangeboden om een ​​heropeningsmodel te zijn voor grote toeristische provincies,” voegde hij eraan toe. “Er zijn vluchten naar de provincie en hotels om kwaliteitstoeristen aan te trekken.

“Ze zijn van mening dat als de regering het plan steunt, de provincie voor oktober moet heropenen”, zei de vice-premier.

Eerder kwamen de provinciale autoriteiten en de lokale particuliere sector met een heropeningsplan, bekend als de Phuket Tourism Sandbox, om geïnoculeerde buitenlandse toeristen de provincie te laten bezoeken vanaf 1 juli, vervroegd vanaf de oorspronkelijk geplande 1 oktober.









Yuthasak Supasorn, gouverneur van de Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), zei eerder dat het heropeningsplan grotendeels zal afhangen van de toewijzing van vaccins aan het eiland Andaman Zee.

Hij zei dat kudde-immuniteit moet worden bereikt door 70% van de bevolking te inoculeren voordat buitenlandse bezoekers worden toegelaten op de heropeningsdatum.

Het plan zou een vaccinatievoorstel bevatten, compleet met het aantal benodigde doses en een tijdlijn voor inenting die geschikt is voor een veilige heropening van het toeristische eiland.

De heer Yuthasak zei dat gemeenschappen naar verwachting dit plan meer zullen steunen dan het Phuket-model van vorig jaar, aangezien het huidige model uitgebreider is en in staat is om gezondheidsveiligheidsmaatregelen te garanderen.

Volgens het sandbox-voorstel moeten minstens 466.587 inwoners van Phuket elk twee doses krijgen. Het voorstel beoogt 933.174 doses veilig te stellen.

Om het doel van de kuddeimmuniteit binnen een bepaald tijdsbestek te bereiken, zou de eerste ronde van inentingen moeten beginnen op 15 april, terwijl de tweede zou moeten worden uitgerold vanaf 15 mei.

Volgens het plan moeten toeristen die willen deelnemen aan het voorgestelde quarantainevrije programma een vaccinatiecertificaat, een vaccinpaspoort of een reispas van de International Air Transport Association (IATA) tonen.

Volgens het plan moeten buitenlandse toeristen echter nog steeds een PCR-test doen op de luchthaven en de ThailandPlus-opsporingsapp activeren terwijl ze in Phuket zijn.

Kusak Kukiatkul, hoofd van de volksgezondheid van Phuket, zei donderdag dat het eiland maandag zijn tweede batch van 100.000 doses Covid-19-vaccins zal ontvangen ter voorbereiding op de geplande heropening.









Dr. Kusak zei dat toerisme de belangrijkste bron van inkomsten is voor Phuket.

Prioriteitsgroepen die als eerste de prik krijgen, zijn onder meer volksgezondheidsfunctionarissen die in nauw contact staan ​​met Covid-19-patiënten, werknemers in de lokale dienstensector, zoals hotel-, luchthaven- en havenarbeiders, en mensen met onderliggende gezondheidsproblemen.

De tweede batch vaccins zal maandag arriveren en het vaccinatieplan zal donderdag van start gaan, zei Dr. Kusak, eraan toevoegend dat de inwoners van Phuket zijn aangespoord om zich te registreren voor vaccinatie bij het provinciale volksgezondheidsbureau.

“Maak je geen zorgen, want het resultaat van de eerste vaccinatieronde was zeer bevredigend – er werden weinig bijwerkingen gemeld”, zei hij. “Het is vergelijkbaar met algemene vaccinaties.”

Hij voegde eraan toe dat als de 100.000 doses binnen een maand aan mensen in Phuket kunnen worden toegediend, het aantal prikken naar verwachting zal toenemen tijdens extra vaccinatierondes om het doel van 70% immuniteit in de provincie te bereiken.

De regering is van plan 800.000 doses van het Chinese Sinovac-vaccin te verdelen, dat in april in 22 provincies in het koninkrijk zal aankomen.

De eerste groep omvat Samut Sakhon, Bangkok, Tak, Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan en Nonthaburi, terwijl de tweede en derde toeristische en grensprovincies omvatten, zoals Phuket en Surat Thani en Songkhla, Sa Kaeo, Chiang Rai, Mukdahan, Narathiwat en Ranong. 


Meer over Beach chairs lie empty on the resort island of Phuket in January. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran) Beach chairs lie empty on the resort island of Phuket in January. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran) The government is expected to give the green light today to allow tourists who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 to visit the island of Phuket without having to undergo the mandated quarantine period, starting in July. Supattanapong Punmeechaow, deputy prime minister, said the Centre for Economic Situation Administration (CESA), will today consider a reopening plan approved by business operators on the island. The meeting will be chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and the plan could serve as a model for the reopening process for other provinces that rely on tourism. Local entrepreneurs and communities have agreed the island province could reopen to foreign tourists, Mr Supattanapong, who is also the energy minister, said. Suspended ‘Sek Loso’ bailed Local natural resources chief caught soliciting B2m bribe from timber trader He said these entrepreneurs and communities are confident Phuket’s tourism infrastructure is still able to accommodate “quality visitors.” “Phuket has been recognised by foreign tourists,” Mr Supattanapong said. “But local businesses and people have suffered during the second wave the Covid-19 pandemic. “They have joined forces and offered to be a reopening model for major tourist provinces,” he added. “There are flights to the province and hotels to attract quality tourists. “They believe if the government supports the plan, the province should reopen before October,” the deputy prime minister said.






Previously, provincial authorities and the local private sector came up with a reopening plan, known as the Phuket Tourism Sandbox, to allow inoculated foreign tourists to visit the province from July 1, brought forward from the original planned Oct 1. Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), previously said the reopening plan will depend depend largely on vaccine allocation to the Andaman Sea island. He said herd immunity must be achieved by inoculating 70% of the population before foreign visitors are allowed in by the reopening date. The plan is said to include a vaccination proposal, complete with the number of doses needed and an inoculation timeline suitable for a safe reopening of the tourist island. Mr Yuthasak said communities are expected to support this plan more so than last year’s Phuket model as the current one is more elaborate and able to guarantee health safety measures. According to the sandbox proposal, at least 466,587 residents living on Phuket need to receive two doses each. The proposal aims to secure 933,174 doses. To reach the herd immunity goal within a specific time frame, the first round of inoculations should start on April 15, while the second should be rolled out from May 15. Under the plan, tourists who want to join the proposed quarantine-free programme are required to show a vaccine certificate, vaccine passport or International Air Transport Association (IATA) travel pass. However, foreign tourists are still required to take a PCR test at the airport and activate the ThailandPlus tracing app while in Phuket, according to the plan. Kusak Kukiatkul, Phuket’s public health chief, on Thursday said the island will receive its second batch of 100,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses on Monday to prepare for the planned reopening. Dr Kusak said tourism is the main source of income for Phuket. Priority groups to receive the jabs first will include public health officials in close contact with Covid-19 patients, employees in the local service industry, such as hotel, airport and dock workers, and people with underlying health problems. The second batch of vaccines will arrive on Monday and the vaccination plan will start on Thursday, Dr Kusak said, adding that Phuket residents have been urged to register for vaccination at the provincial public health office. “Don’t worry because the outcome of the first round of vaccinations was very satisfactory — with little side effects reported,” he said. “It is similar to general vaccinations.” He added that if the 100,000 doses can be administered to people in Phuket within one month, the number of jabs is expected to be increased during additional rounds of vaccination to achieve the 70% immunity goal in the province. The government plans to distribute 800,000 doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine, which will arrive in 22 provinces in the kingdom in April. The first group includes Samut Sakhon, Bangkok, Tak, Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi, while the second and third include tourist and border provinces, such as Phuket and Surat Thani and Songkhla, Sa Kaeo, Chiang Rai, Mukdahan, Narathiwat and Ranong.




Beach chairs lie empty on the resort island of Phuket in January. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

Beach chairs lie empty on the resort island of Phuket in January. (Photo: Achadthaya Chuenniran)

The government is expected to give the green light today to allow tourists who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 to visit the island of Phuket without having to undergo the mandated quarantine period, starting in July.

Supattanapong Punmeechaow, deputy prime minister, said the Centre for Economic Situation Administration (CESA), will today consider a reopening plan approved by business operators on the island.

The meeting will be chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha and the plan could serve as a model for the reopening process for other provinces that rely on tourism.

Local entrepreneurs and communities have agreed the island province could reopen to foreign tourists, Mr Supattanapong, who is also the energy minister, said.



He said these entrepreneurs and communities are confident Phuket’s tourism infrastructure is still able to accommodate “quality visitors.”

“Phuket has been recognised by foreign tourists,” Mr Supattanapong said. “But local businesses and people have suffered during the second wave the Covid-19 pandemic.

“They have joined forces and offered to be a reopening model for major tourist provinces,” he added. “There are flights to the province and hotels to attract quality tourists.

“They believe if the government supports the plan, the province should reopen before October,” the deputy prime minister said.

Previously, provincial authorities and the local private sector came up with a reopening plan, known as the Phuket Tourism Sandbox, to allow inoculated foreign tourists to visit the province from July 1, brought forward from the original planned Oct 1.

Yuthasak Supasorn, governor of the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), previously said the reopening plan will depend depend largely on vaccine allocation to the Andaman Sea island.

He said herd immunity must be achieved by inoculating 70% of the population before foreign visitors are allowed in by the reopening date.

The plan is said to include a vaccination proposal, complete with the number of doses needed and an inoculation timeline suitable for a safe reopening of the tourist island.

Mr Yuthasak said communities are expected to support this plan more so than last year’s Phuket model as the current one is more elaborate and able to guarantee health safety measures.

According to the sandbox proposal, at least 466,587 residents living on Phuket need to receive two doses each. The proposal aims to secure 933,174 doses.

To reach the herd immunity goal within a specific time frame, the first round of inoculations should start on April 15, while the second should be rolled out from May 15.

Under the plan, tourists who want to join the proposed quarantine-free programme are required to show a vaccine certificate, vaccine passport or International Air Transport Association (IATA) travel pass.

However, foreign tourists are still required to take a PCR test at the airport and activate the ThailandPlus tracing app while in Phuket, according to the plan.

Kusak Kukiatkul, Phuket’s public health chief, on Thursday said the island will receive its second batch of 100,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses on Monday to prepare for the planned reopening.

Dr Kusak said tourism is the main source of income for Phuket.

Priority groups to receive the jabs first will include public health officials in close contact with Covid-19 patients, employees in the local service industry, such as hotel, airport and dock workers, and people with underlying health problems.



The second batch of vaccines will arrive on Monday and the vaccination plan will start on Thursday, Dr Kusak said, adding that Phuket residents have been urged to register for vaccination at the provincial public health office.

“Don’t worry because the outcome of the first round of vaccinations was very satisfactory — with little side effects reported,” he said. “It is similar to general vaccinations.”

He added that if the 100,000 doses can be administered to people in Phuket within one month, the number of jabs is expected to be increased during additional rounds of vaccination to achieve the 70% immunity goal in the province.

The government plans to distribute 800,000 doses of China’s Sinovac vaccine, which will arrive in 22 provinces in the kingdom in April.

The first group includes Samut Sakhon, Bangkok, Tak, Pathum Thani, Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi, while the second and third include tourist and border provinces, such as Phuket and Surat Thani and Songkhla, Sa Kaeo, Chiang Rai, Mukdahan, Narathiwat and Ranong.


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